By Emilee Roberts ’17G, Ph.D. in Global Leadership student
On April 17-19, the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (SMWC) Ph.D. in Global Leadership 程序 held an optional in-person, immersive engagement session for doctoral students. These three days were comprised of a publication workshop, opportunities for students to learn from global leaders, 网络和学生有机会深入研究,沉浸在论文过程中.
学生 in the SMWC Ph值.D. 在全球领导计划都需要发表两份出版物之前,他们开始他们的论文过程. 这些同行评审的出版物可以通过期刊提交,如SMWC的Arete journal of Excellence in Global Leadership或该领域的其他期刊, a presentation at a conference and co-publishing is encouraged. 以此为契机鼓励学生发表文章并支持他们的努力, 周三的互动环节以学生寻找感兴趣的主题领域为中心,并提供结构化和非结构化的时间来发展这些主题和想法. Third-year cohort student Lisa Thatcher commented, “制作学术出版物研讨会对于探索具体工具以及专注于论文开发的时间和空间的双重支持非常有价值.”
参与会议周四继续进行,国际中心的彼得·柯克兰等嘉宾发表了演讲, 谁与马塞洛·帕斯特罗一起提出了国际协议研讨会和富布赖特经验研讨会, 印第安纳州立大学富布赖特驻校博彩平台网址大全和Shelly Meyer, Ph.D., a former Fulbright Scholar in Bhutan. 周四结束时,我们与Terre Haute全球小企业进行了全球甜点互动课程, Sons’ Spice Company. 学生, 教职员工和圣玛丽森林内阁成员享受了制作波巴茶的教育和过程以及它的台湾历史!
周五,主讲人达拉·迪尔多夫(Darla Deardorff)博士做了一个虚拟演讲.D., on intercultural communication as a global leader. Dr. 迪尔多夫是博彩平台网址大全管理人员协会的执行主任,也是南非斯坦陵博斯大学联合国教科文组织跨文化能力讲座的主席. Dr. 迪尔多夫介绍了跨文化能力和故事圈在专业和个人环境中的重要性.
在最后一天的时间里,学生们有机会和他们的博士一起吃午饭.D. mentors, who are Ph.D. 在全球领导力中,教师们在第一次开始博士生之旅时,根据长处搜索结果等标准进行配对,以提供额外的博士生支持. A publication panel with Doug Sperry, Ph.D. and Shelly Meyer, Ph.D. 就何时考虑何种类型的出版物以及各种出版途径的优势提供建议和见解. 下午结束时,学生们沉浸在论文的过程中. 从听取最近完成论文的SMWC员工小组讨论到关于定性和定量研究的分组讨论, 学生们能够在论文过程中绘制出他们即将采取的一些步骤.
First-year student Rob Williford said, 订婚研讨会以一场论文主持的速配式研讨会结束, 每个小组有五分钟的时间与每个主席见面,以了解他们的研究领域和他们作为论文主席的风格. A session that was full of laughter and valuable information. As a first-year student in the Ph.D. 在全球领导力项目中,我发现参与环节是一次卓有成效的经历. 从头到尾,我都觉得这件事真的具有变革性. Time with peers, faculty members and the campus community made me feel more connected, 被激励和鼓励去完成博士学位的挑战部分.D. 程序. I walked away with a wealth of information on writing for publication, the dissertation process, and intercultural competence. I feel more prepared for the coursework ahead, and more than anything, 我感到我的同事和教职员工支持我突破自己的界限,成长为一名领导者. 10/10 would recommend!”
订婚仪式以国际戒指仪式结束.D. 学生Marianna Foulkrod和Meredith Williams获得了他们的SMWC国际戒指. 当学生最近参加了沉浸式的全球体验时,就会获得这一荣誉. What a remarkable and appropriate ceremony to conclude the Ph.D. engagement session!
For more information about the Ph.D. in Global Leadership 程序 visit Ph.D. in Global Leadership – Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College ( or contact Kimberly LaComba, Ph.D. at 金 Applications are open for August 2024!
艾米丽·罗伯茨的17G是一位经验丰富的社区参与合作伙伴,她喜欢通过热情和积极的领导将个人和组织发展联系起来. Her passion is within nonprofit organizations, 应对领导力挑战,帮助非营利组织为下一步行动和继任计划做好准备. Emilee以帮助这些组织进行成长和改进所需的关键对话而闻名.
Currently, 艾米丽在特雷霍特担任青年机会和服务战略和影响主任, IN and is a third-year doctoral student at SMWC. 她被选为这所拥有200年历史的大学的首批成员, as well as serve as a 研究生 Assistant in the Ph.D. 程序. Over the past almost 10-year journey of her career, Emilee曾在Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology担任高等教育职位, 以及担任商业的麦迪逊地区商会的执行董事-奉献给程序开发的生活激情, community connection, organization storytelling and overall organization visibility. Throughout her career, she has led teams through leadership changes, financial deficits, organizational structure challenges, group dynamics, 对组织和个人成长至关重要的对话和自我评估.